Monday, December 15, 2008

The Journey

I know this picture is a little grainy and it's hard to make out the detail, but I think it captures Tyler's energy and hunger for living. Thanks to Mike White for pulling it from his archives.

Tyler died way too young. No one can dispute that. While he was alive, he lived his life to the fullest. He did many things I have yet to attempt...

Water skiing
* Well, I did try water skiing once when I was about 16. Tyler was there too. I think he was holding that little red flag up in the air every time I fell in the water. His arm got tired...
* Ummmm...he was good at snowboarding because he was a skateboarding fiend in middle school. I think I'll stick to snow skiing. It seems safer to me. I don't want to break anything or kill anyone. I fear I would become a flying projectile on a snowboard.
Scuba Diving
* Tyler learned how to scuba dive when he went to Australia with the Giedt clan. Everyone went but me. I had to work. When you're assistant manager at a retail store, you don't take off the week of Christmas! We did go snorkeling when we were in Maui. That was ok, except I kept looking for SHARKS and that took away from the relaxing portion of the experience. Hmmm... maybe a submarine with a glass bottom would suit me better. ;-)
* He went sailing through Greece and Turkey with our dad when he was in high school. I wasn't invited in this case because they know I have a bit of an issue with motion sickness. I know it was a great experience for him and I envy him that, but it probably would have left me a little green around the gills.
Whitewater Rafting
* I know Tyler did this a few times, most recently in Fiji. I'm not sure why I've never been. I love kayaking or canoeing down a lazy river...I emphasize the word LAZY. A rushing river is a whole different thing. I think I'm ready to try this adventure though.

He has been many places I have yet to see...

Australia (I'm happy to say I'm GOING to see this one next year with the woman I love!)

I've grown tremendously as an individual over the last two and a half years, but losing my baby brother has inspired me to kick it up a notch in terms of living. Life isn't something that happens as you sit back and watch it go by, although many people live that way. I did it for a time and I think Tyler did too. I made changes in my life to get out of the rut I was in and I know Tyler wanted to do the same. Unfortunately he didn't get quite get there. That makes me sad. Every day I continue my quest for a fulfilling and meaningful life, and now I take him with me on my journey. He will be with me wherever I go. That makes me smile.


Tracy Ball Roberts said...

Someone wrote to you about Tyler always treating them as an equal. The years I spent with Ty in my life empowered me more than any other time. Kathy's and your (D's) influence (girl-power) played a big part in that dynamic that I enjoyed with Tyler. He always acted like it was just a given that I could keep up, do it too, and he was able to nurture and be gentle and be a leader all at the same time! and this was in his early 20s!
He (and Andy) taught me how to water ski, my first time camping was with Tyler, my first time under the hood of a car was his jeep. He taught me how to change spark plugs. (I love to work on cars now, and have fixed my own clothes washer and installed a dishwasher, too! Little pieces of Tyler....) He taught me how to fire a weapon. Several actually. We went to a firing range once(Camp Atterbury), and there was a man there who was an alcoholic in recovery, who had decided to spend his money on guns rather than beer, and had amassed quite a collection. Tyler and I got to fire an astonishing array of guns! It was CRAZY cool! (and I'm more a peace-love person than a gun person, but man that was FUN)
Because of all the things he taught me, or just encouraged me to do and try, he really built me up! Knowing him was such a blessing. He changed me for the better, he gave me a spirit for adventure, and will be a part of me always!

KCmustang said...

This post makes me smile. It is an honor to be a witness to your journey and your life. You have such a blessed heart. Peace!

Dionne Ward said...

Thank you for sharing all that, Tracy.

You're very sweet, KC. Thank you.