Tuesday, December 2, 2008


This picture was taken in Edmonton Alberta this past August. Ty and I had driven through this neighborhood because we got a little lost driving from our grandmother's new apartment to her house. As we're coming around this bend in the road, we noticed the view and decided to pull over and take some photos. We had a good time taking pictures of each other and evaluating whether they were worthy of anyone else's scrutiny. The clouds were surreal and they looked even more surreal against the downtown Edmonton skyline. You know that feeling you get when something seems surreal?

Watching the life leave Tyler's body was the most surreal experience of my life. The grieving that goes along with losing him is also a very surreal experience. I'm still trying to figure out how to go about it. This isn't the first time I've lost someone in my family. Aside from Tyler, three people I cared about died this year. I've also lost a couple of uncles and a grandfather. I know crying is good and I've been doing a lot of that. I have shed tears for all those losses and occasionally still do, but this feels different. I'm still having trouble accepting the fact that Tyler is gone. This morning, sitting in Chicago's Midway airport, I looked up and saw some guy waiting in line to board his flight. Something about him reminded me so much of Tyler that I actually had an 'oh, there he is!' moment. Then that moment turned to a sick feeling in my stomach when I realized the man I saw couldn't possibly be Tyler because Tyler is...dead. I actually felt dizzy for a second and I thought I might be sick. I have so many moments when I feel like I don't know what to do with my emotions. I don't know where to put them. Martine's friend, Jemma, emailed me and suggested I get a book called "On Death and Dying" by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. I plan to pick up a copy this week. I'm not sure if it will help, but it has helped other people and I'm willing to try just about anything. Thanks, Jemma, for reaching out. Someone else recently said to me, "Tyler would not want you to be in so much pain." I know, I know...you're right.


KCmustang said...

your human and a woman with a very compassionate heart ... go easy on yourself. It is a process thus the continuum.

I know what you are talking about with regards to the look of people around us and I believe the resembling thing is a sign that their spirit is among us. My father looked like Mayor Daley and when i see the Mayor on TV or in newspaper it always brings up my dad stuff.

There is no rule on how to handle it. Some souls leave such a legacy of love that it is impossible to not feel their void.


Anonymous said...

Tyler would not want you to be in this much pain.
Tyler would be in just as much pain if it had been you.

Take your time... Sometimes it's one day, others it's just one hour, or minute...

It's YOUR pain, D - there are no rules!!

Dionne Ward said...

You're both right. There are no rules. Thank you!