Monday, December 8, 2008

Tyler and the Moon. Moons, that is...

This picture was taken a few years ago at my mom and stepdad's house in Northbrook, Illinois. All the Moon women were in town from Canada. Aunt Judy, Aunt Patty and Grammy Moon. My niece and nephew, Mika and Riley, are pictured here as well. They are much older and taller now. Then of course there's me, my mom and Tyler. It's not the greatest photo. Unfortunately it seems that the orange and blue sippy cup is the focal point, but it (the photo, not the cup) tells a story of family and generations.

The night Tyler passed away, my aunts and grandmother came to say goodbye. I watched them all lean over him and whisper to him through their tears. My grandmother hugged me and said "Oh Didi, this is so horrible..." That pretty much summed up how we were all feeling. I remember my aunts both telling me they were sorry we hadn't spent more time together. I told them it happens when there's significant geographical distance involved, but the love is always there, regardless of the distance.

Tyler and I used to go to Edmonton every year to visit our grandmother. I remember walking to the 7-Eleven to get Aero bars, Coffee Crisp, Smarties...all the candy they didn't sell in the states. Then we would sit and watch Benny Hill or Monty Python and laugh as we ate our candy. We did that again in August of this year when we went to help Grandma move. Well...we didn't watch those shows, but we ate the candy. Instead of watching the tele, we sat out on the porch and watched it rain. I was excited about the rain because I hardly see it in SoCal, so Tyler obliged and joined me. We talked about life and love, and reminisced about those summers spent at Grandma's house. I'm going to miss those talks with him, but I'll laugh every time I think about us giggling over Benny Hill's slapstick antics.


KCmustang said...

forget about the sippy cup...the focal point is your hair style... much to young for that style Miss!

i love the story of going to grandma's ... i spent summers at my grandma's with my cousin... thinking back now it was a world within a world ... more private than the one I would have to go back to at the end of summer.

All of your conversations were of no coincidence... the words were meaningful and will carry you through... one day you will be in a place that you will whisper to yourself - "What would Tyler Say"
.... i know you will hear his comfort and love

Dionne Ward said...

Ok, yeah...I was hoping people would be too busy reading the story to notice the hair.

I'm so grateful for all those times spent with him, even more so now. Thanks for the comment, KC.