Sunday, January 25, 2009

This was taken in Edmonton, Alberta in August 2008. We were standing our grandmother's backyard reminiscing about the times we played out there as kids. Still kids at heart, we joked with each other the same way we had for years. The picture isn't great of either one of us, but I love it for the closeness it shows.

I was sitting here listening to the rain fall, not a common occurrence here in Burbank, and I remembered sitting on my grandmother's front porch with Tyler. That's what made me want to write a 'Tyler' blog post. I know I've written about that day before. It was the first day we arrived in Edmonton and I was so excited about the possibility of rain showers. Tyler was used to them, as they are a lot more frequent in Indianapolis, but he still sat out on the porch with me to experience it. I've said this before too...I am so grateful for that trip.

Some days I wish I could turn back the clock. I want to go back and tell Tyler about the tumor in the back of his head. I want to go back far enough so I can tell him about before it gets too big. Then maybe they could have removed it without incident. Then maybe it could have been as simple as taking out a wisdom tooth. If I only I could go back, I would do anything to change the final outcome. Anything...


Anonymous said...

Me, too! I would do anything to go back, and insist that Tyler have a CAT scan or an MRI. I just thought it was muscular from his working out, and I feel so bad that I did not try to help him more. Our doctor says that there were many symptoms in Ty's vision, etc. that doctors he saw should have caught, but nobody did. I loved the picture of you and Tyler up at Grandma's - you are so much a part of my heart - especially when I see a picture of the two of you together like that. Again the tears are coming as I express that. I think this blog has helped me to grieve, because whenever I read your heart-rending writing and see the picturtes, it lets my feelings out! Thanks you! All my love to you always.

Anonymous said...

Somehow, I did the same thing I did last time, and instead of giving my name, it said anonymous. Go figure! I also spelled pictures wrong. But I'm sure you don't care, and this time I am signing, Love, Mom