Thursday, November 27, 2008


The holidaze are upon us. Yes, I'm spelling it wrong on purpose. I think I may switch to that spelling permanently because the holidaze will never be the same for me without Ty. This year I just want to skip it all.

It is Thanksgiving day and I'm painfully aware of the void in my life. While I am thankful for many, sweet love, family, friends, health, abundance, sun, sky, earth, crisp air, etc...I just miss my baby brother more than I can ever put into words.

Martine and I are off to the store and then to my midwest folks' house. Today we will feast on turkey with all the trimmings, imbibe tasty red wine, laugh at each other's stories and watch the little kids play. But we will also be acutely aware of the missing...

Peace and love to you all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As we said our Thanksgiving prayer of thanks for friends and family, I thought of my father who I miss terribly and of Tyler who I was glad to have had his quiet presence in my life these past nine years.