Saturday, November 29, 2008

So this is it...

It comes down to this...what we leave behind. We sat at the estate sale the last two days, listening to people try to talk us down on prices for Tyler's things. Is that really all that's left of us after we die? Things? What a huge disappointment. If that's the legacy I leave behind when I go, I don't want to own anything. (Of course I just purchased a new laptop computer today, but we'll overlook that for the time being.) I want people to remember my kindness, how I loved, how I laughed, how I lived life with respect for others and with reckless abandon. There was so much more to Tyler than his things. I wanted to scream that out to those people today, especially that one guy who kept talking about nothing and negotiating his way to the next bargain. I wanted to get in his face and tell him 'my brother was so much more than the things he left behind.'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fortunately the real things Tyler left behind can't be bought!