Friday, November 21, 2008

An honor...

If anything good has come of this loss, and I stress the word IF, it is the coming together of people with a common purpose. It is the reconnecting with old friends, the renewed bonding of family and the discovery of new friends. We've been given the opportunity to revisit the seasoned relationships, to say the things we left unsaid and maybe even start anew. We've also been given the blessing of new connections with people who share in the loss of Tyler, or the loss of another...or those who simply want to help see us through our pain.

I have a new friend in Illinois. I've only met her once, but we've shared sentiments and words of wisdom from afar. She sent her positive energy and healing thoughts to me and my family every day while we waited for news. She was there sending heartfelt hope and encouragment all the way through to the bitter end. She's riding her bike in the "El Tour De Tucson" on Saturday and she'll be wearing the jersey in the photos above. She has honored Tyler, and those who love him, by having his name put on her jersey. He is right below her cousin, Marian, who passed away in July. She told me Marian and Tyler are her "main angels this year, one on each pedal" as she rides. If Marian's spirit was anything like Tyler's, I know they will carry her through with ease and grace.

KC - You have been a blessing in Martine's life and now you are one in my life. You never knew Tyler, so it's even more amazing to me that you honor his life...without question. Thank you for being an amazing person. I know Ty is smiling down on you. We'll have that glass of wine the next time we meet and we'll toast to life, love and riding like the wind! Good luck on Saturday. We will all be cheering you on.


KCmustang said...

Chills, tears and love. You have such a way with words. So beautifully written, I will carry this post in my heart as I ride on Saturday. You are a blessing! Thank you for your encouragement, I have no doubt Ty's spirit will be riding with me pushing me to the finish!.

Susanne Duncan said...

That is so awesome! That you added his name and that you are honoring him in the race! I know he will be pushing you right along! He helped Parker to ride his bike and although Parker was terrified, Ty was always so patient and encouraging. They would take long bike rides together on our trail in the neighborhood. Ty is honored I am sure of that! Good luck, though I am sure like you said, you will have two angels pushing you right along!