Monday, November 3, 2008

Hope, tenacity and stubborness

This is Tyler giving me a peace sign, or a gang sign, or as my partner Martine tells me, it means something completely different in Australia...something we associate with the middle finger. :-) At any rate, when he held his two fingers up to me in August when we were visiting our grandmother in Edmonton, I knew it was meant to be nice gesture. We had a great time hanging out together during that trip. I am even more grateful for that time now...

The stroke Tyler had occurred in the frontal part of his brain, on both sides. The blood vessels were "spasming" and they don't know why. There seems to be no explanation as to why this was happening in a part of his brain that was not touched during the surgery. Ron told me it's an area of his brain that controls the lower part of his body. It's POSSIBLE (nothing definite here) that he will lose the use of his legs. They are doing an MRI today to determine the extent of the damage. I still remain hopeful that Tyler can overcome whatever damage has been done to his body, through rehabilitation and tenacity. Most of us know how stubborn he is and that will work in his favor throughout his recovery process. Peace and love.

1 comment:

KCmustang said...

This is a great picture. Sending you big hugs.