Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The brilliance

Here I stand, my shadow cast upon the brilliance of this red foliage. I spotted it as we were driving back from the hospital and it reminded me of the brilliance of Tyler. Not only his intellect, but his personality, his sense of humor, his kindness, his love...I could go on and on about the brilliance of him. He has touched many lives. It has been a blessing to have him as a brother and a best friend. I am only a shadow of myself today, knowing that I have to say goodbye to him...

We were told today by the neurosurgeon, as we looked at the latest MRI pictures, that there is no hope of recovery for Tyler. He will not wake up and be himself ever again. If we keep him alive with machines and tubes, he will have no quality of life and we know he doesn't want that. Tonight at midnight we will watch as the doctors and nurses remove the artificial life support and then we will hold his hands and wait. We will let him know he is loved, he will be missed forever, and that it's ok for him to go.

I love you, Tyler Fulton Ward. We all do and you will be with us, in our hearts, forever.


Martine Locke said...

beautiful post babe. I am desperately sad that I won't have the chance to get to know the man you speak of better...but I love him through you and cannot believe that we are here.


Debbie said...

There are no words to express our immense sadness, but know that Tom and I are with you and we hope his passing is peaceful. He was a funny, handsome, intelligent, caring man who touched a lot of lives and we will miss him very much.

Dolce Mom said...

I am deeply sadened by the news. I acknowledge that there is nothing that can be said or done to make this easier or to make everything ok. The time I had with Ty and your family changed my life forever. I am sending Love, Peace and Prayers to Ty, You and Your entire Family. Thank You for having the strength to share this with us all. XOXOXO

Sherree said...

There are no words to express the immense sadness that we feel for you and your family. Tyler was, as you said, an amazingly brilliant brother, son and friend who touched so many lives. What a special gift he was to so many. You, Tyler and your family are in our thoughts and prayers.

Sherree & Family

KCmustang said...

what a beautiful post. Sharing the emptiness that is felt when a brilliant soul will no longer be where they use to be and the entire universe shifts. my thoughts continue to be with you and your family during this devastating time. Huge hugs xo

Girl on a road said...

My heart aches for you and your family. KC described it perfectly - the entire universe shifts and it's as though a steadfast compass or constellation isn't there and we have to reorient everything. I am so sorry for this news and will continue to pray. Please know you can reach out to us here at the big blue house for support - any time.

danielle bosso said...

as i sit here crying not being able to understand why he must go so soon i also remember all the fun times i had with ty. everytime steve zuk would come home it would be the three of us going out to ripple. i cherish these memories forever.he is and always will be remembered forver in my heart.we love and we will miss you. danielle bosso

Susanne Duncan said...

Watch the video Leona Lewis, Better In Time.