Saturday, November 1, 2008

A pat, a squeeze and a grab

Sorry there was no Halloween post. Tyler spent most of yesterday sleeping, but I did hear a bit of news when Martine and I were on our way to a Halloween party. Tyler was patting the heads, squeezing the noses and grabbing the hands of his late evening visitors. They were very happy to see his personality coming out after a day of non-responsiveness.

Tyler's fever continues to be a challenge and they are now calling it a central fever. It's most likely related to his brain trying to heal itself, rather than an infection. They moved all of his IV lines yesterday, just to be sure the fever wasn't being caused by a site infection. He's not very responsive again today. The fever is causing fatigue and he's also probably a little sleep-deprived. His body is demanding that he rest!

They will be doing another CT scan tomorrow just to check on his progress. The fluid draining from his brain is getting "clearer" which COULD mean he won't need a permanent shunt.

That's all I have for now. Thanks for reading, and for continuing to send out your thoughts and prayers for Tyler. Peace and love.

1 comment:

Girl on a road said...

Thanks for the update....the journey of recovery is quite a ride, I know....keeping you all in our thoughts.